The Best Damn Training Method Ever
Okay so apologies for the click bait title but hey, you’re reading this so totally worth it. At this point I have to make it clear that...

A New Perspective from First Powerlifting Competition
We get so fixated on people that ‘like’ our posts or think we are amazing for getting a gym rep PB. Those people are not going to be there w

Is Speed Work useful for Powerlifters?
Is Speed Work useful for Powerlifters? Speed training is any form of training used to develop maximal velocity, or how fast one can move....

The Pre-Lifting Guide
The information in this article is aimed at lifters new to the gym who have very little experience when it comes to exercising. So let’s...

Common Powerlifting Programming Mistakes
Common Powerlifting Programming Mistakes Efficient program design is crucial in making sure that powerlifting athletes not only optimise...

The Dark Side of Exercise
I have a very specific goal in writing this post. I want to convince you the reader, and myself the writer, of something very important....

Ascend Your Level With A Real Life Zenkai
This post may come across as a little bit nerdy, but that’s how I am so I don’t mind. What I wanted to talk about here is Compensation,...

Nutrition - Handy info!
Handy Nutrition for any Goal! As a personal trainer we tend to take a careful line when it comes to advising on nutrition. Partly because...

Tip #5 Periodisation
Tip #5 Periodisation (This pic should make sense if you've been reading my blog!) Periodisation will encompass all of the tips from the...

Tip #4 Recovery
Tip # 4 Rest/Recovery When people try to get bigger and/or stronger they tend to learn towards working as hard as they can without...